That’s Right Nate

Thoughts from a right thinker.

Posts Tagged ‘Dolphin Porn

Florida Legislature in a Quandry

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If the Florida state legislature had their way, which of these things would be legal?

A. Giving teacher’s tenure
B. Paying experienced teachers more than novices
C. Judging a teacher by first hand observation instead of test scores
D. Having sex with a dolphin

If you answered D. congratulations. You’re correct!  The Florida legislature has been unable to pass a law outlawing bestiality.  In 1971 a Florida Supreme Court ruling created a loophole by demanding proof that the animal was unwilling and traumatized by the event.  Since then, the legislature has not been able to come together to outlaw the practice.   This year, it was seemingly killed by an amendments dealing with fertilizer and gun rights.

Fortunately, while not being able to agree that sex with animals was unpleasant, the state legislature was able to find a common enemy in the state’s teachers.   Unfortunately, Charlie Crist vetoed the bill.   It was an eventful session for the Florida state legislatures, teachers, and lovers of dolphin porn.

Written by thatsrightnate

May 8, 2010 at 8:37 pm