That’s Right Nate

Thoughts from a right thinker.

1 in 4 Teen Girls Has STD

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One out of every four teenage girls has an STD.  For shame.  This is directly attributable to sex education and to liberalism.  Things were far different not that long ago.

When I was a teenager in the 1980s girls simply didn’t have sex.  It was a much purer time.  Sure us guys tried, but we never got anywhere because the girls knew they had to preserve their virtue.  Throughout college and high school there were plenty of parties, but if you were lucky you got a peck on the cheek not intercourse.  Some guys used to tell stories about all the sex they had, but it was pretty obvious they were lying.  Especially when their dates had let me know themselves that they were saving themselves for marriage and nothing could change their mind.

When you look at the way teenage girls dress nowadays I’m not surprised.  Oh how I long for those days when big hair and shoulder pads were more important than showing everything you had.

Girls, its up to you to turn this trend around.  Guys can’t control themselves and sex isn’t as big a deal for girls anyway.  Just say no and it’ll make your wedding night that much more special.  Remember, there is no reason to buy a cow when you get milk for free.

Written by thatsrightnate

March 11, 2008 at 4:30 pm

Posted in Conservative, Republican, Sex, STDs, Teens

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8 Responses

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  1. It’s an interesting comment, but this survey focuses on HPV, and HPV can be passed on in other ways other than sexual intercourse. The primary means of transmission is sexual intercourse, but someone just posted about the fact that it can be passed on en utero. It can also be passed on by none sexual contact, although I don’t know how common either of these two methods are.


    March 12, 2008 at 1:01 am

  2. I’m sure a lot of girls would love to claim they got it in other ways, but in over 99% of the cases I bet its not keeping their panties on.


    March 12, 2008 at 5:36 am

  3. Nate…I hate to break this to you. I really do. Girls in the 80’s were having sex like rabbits. Not that I think any of those girls were fibbing to you. Probably the ones you knew weren’t doing it at all, but a whole lot of guys didn’t have to make stuff up. Now in my day – not so much. Premarital sex wasn’t even invented (except in the minds of young males0 until just about when I got out of high school in ’67, so my virtue remained intact.


    March 12, 2008 at 11:20 am

  4. I’m glad your virtue remained in tact, but girls in the 80s didn’t have pre-marital sex. I know this from countrless discussions with them.


    March 12, 2008 at 4:47 pm

  5. Without a doubt blame has to fall on parents. But not in the traditional sense. We now tell our kids they cant get married till after college or till there 30. No one wants to wait that long. I fell in love at 18 and married at 19. Went to undergrad and law school on my own dime (and the tax payers). Pell grants were easier as a married student they were figured on my income. College would have been even cheaper if the government had stayed out of it.


    March 13, 2008 at 9:59 am

  6. Amen Greg. You sound like exactly the type of person that this country should produce (Depending on the type of law you practice). I like how you point out that you went through school on your own dime. I bet you appreciated it more too. There’s no reason why young people shouldn’t get married at 18 or 19 or even earlier. After all, Jesus’s parents were 14 and he turned out pretty well.


    March 13, 2008 at 3:12 pm

  7. I mean Mary and Joseph. I don’t mean to imply Jesus isn’t the son of God.


    March 13, 2008 at 3:13 pm

  8. favorited this one, man


    March 26, 2008 at 10:11 pm

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