That’s Right Nate

Thoughts from a right thinker.

Posts Tagged ‘Teens

DOJ Does Good Work

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A lot of people think of the Department of Justice as being a bunch of heavies who arrest people, but they do a lot more.  Specifically, what caught my eye today was two great programs that they have funded that will have a positive impact on young people’s lives.

The first program is the World Golf Foundation’s first tee program. 

“We need something really attractive to engage the gangs and the street kids, golf is the hook,” said J. Robert Flores, the administrator of the Justice Department’s Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention.

As an avid golfer myself, I love the sport, but nothing irritates me more than paying my $85 greens fee and then getting an incompetent caddy.  This is an excellent chance to train the new generation of caddies to follow in the grand traditions of golf.  What’s more when these inner city gang members see what a fun afternoon at the course $50 can buy, you won’t be seeing drive bys you’ll be seeing drives!

Some people were not real happy with the program which was ranked 47 out of 104 programs getting the funding, but I am told the videotaped presentation from former President Bush was very persuassive–far more so than some of the presentations by higher ranked programs to deal with teen violence and gang prevention.

A Washington based abstinence program called Friends Forever got a 1.1 million dollar grant even though it ranked 53rd out of 104 programs in its category, but again I think Best Friends President Elayne Bennett puts it best, “”We’re really about positive friendships . good, solid friendship is a beautiful thing.” 

From getting kids out on the golf course to getting them out of intercourse, the Department of Justice is on the job.  Hopefully, Bill Bennett will point that out in his next commentary.

Written by thatsrightnate

June 12, 2008 at 9:08 pm

Preventing Teen Pregnancies

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I admit it.  I was a strong believer for many years that the only thing we needed to prevent teen pregnancy was to switch from sex education to abstinence only education.  Unfortunately, as my vision is becoming more and more of a reality we’re seeing mixed results.

I still believe that abstinence is the answer and abstinence only should be taught in schools.  However, I think there are other things we can do to help reduce teen pregnancy.

1. Establish a private fund to give partial college scholarships to students who have not had children.

2. Increased funding to churches to provide abstinence education.

3. Passing concealed carry laws to make it harder for teenaged boys to know if their girlfriend’s father is armed.

4. A universal curfew for all teens of 9:00

5. Fines for teens caught engaging on sexual behavior

6. Extending the Bush tax cuts to allow businesses to hire more teenagers

7. Auditing the abstinence education programs of schools with a high rate of teen pregnancy to make sure that they are teaching what they should

None of these steps alone will do much, but together this 7 point plan will help to make sure that this epidemic will end.

Written by thatsrightnate

April 2, 2008 at 9:52 pm

Posted in Conservative, Sex, Teens

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1 in 4 Teen Girls Has STD

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One out of every four teenage girls has an STD.  For shame.  This is directly attributable to sex education and to liberalism.  Things were far different not that long ago.

When I was a teenager in the 1980s girls simply didn’t have sex.  It was a much purer time.  Sure us guys tried, but we never got anywhere because the girls knew they had to preserve their virtue.  Throughout college and high school there were plenty of parties, but if you were lucky you got a peck on the cheek not intercourse.  Some guys used to tell stories about all the sex they had, but it was pretty obvious they were lying.  Especially when their dates had let me know themselves that they were saving themselves for marriage and nothing could change their mind.

When you look at the way teenage girls dress nowadays I’m not surprised.  Oh how I long for those days when big hair and shoulder pads were more important than showing everything you had.

Girls, its up to you to turn this trend around.  Guys can’t control themselves and sex isn’t as big a deal for girls anyway.  Just say no and it’ll make your wedding night that much more special.  Remember, there is no reason to buy a cow when you get milk for free.

Written by thatsrightnate

March 11, 2008 at 4:30 pm

Posted in Conservative, Republican, Sex, STDs, Teens

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