That’s Right Nate

Thoughts from a right thinker.

Posts Tagged ‘ACORN

While Kathryn Bigelow is Honored, Hannah Giles is Sued

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Last night, the Motion Picture Academy made news by awarding Kathryn Bigelow the Best Director Oscar.   She is the first woman ever to win the award and as it’s a war movie, I’m definitely looking forward to seeing it.   Usually when Hollywood makes a war movie anymore it’s a depressing anti-war film, but I’m hoping the Hurt Locker isn’t like that.  Like most of her liberal pals in Hollywood, Kathryn Bigelow is paid big bucks to film scenes and put them together to tell a story.   Unfortunately, there is a double standard at work here.   When I liberal edits film to tell a story, it’s considered art.   When conservatives like James O’Keefe and Hannah Giles do the same thing, it’s considered criminal.  In fact, there are currently 3 law suits against faux prostitute Hannah Giles.

Hannah has hired the same law firm that Sarah Palin used to try and shut down trooper gate and Hannah has a lot of young Sarah Palin in her, but it just seems so unfair that while Kathryn Bigelow is honored as a role model for young women, Hannah Giles is forced to set up a legal defense fund or else risk having to get a job.  I would be giving a very large check to Miss Giles myself if not for my strong opposition to voluntary monetary contributions on ethical principles.  However, I urge everybody reading this blog to give what you can.

There seem to be two main complaints by the ACORN employees against Miss Giles.  The first, was that Maryland law does not allow eaves dropping without consent and the second is that they edited the video together to make it look much worse.  Sure they edited together to show the story they wanted to tell, but isn’t that the same thing that Kathryn Bigelow was honored for?  And when Giles  gratuitously posed for B-roll of her scantily clad self walking on the National Mall with James O’Keefe dressed in his “pimp” costume, dancing with him on a boat, walking down a California street and holding her “hooker high heels” as her bare legs are panned from feet to thighs, we know that it is only because like any true artist she throws herself into any part.

How did Hollywood show their solidarity with Giles last night?  They didn’t.   Liberals like Alec Baldwin would never do such a thing, but Giles got something even more meaningful–the love and support of her father who reminded us all, “Here’s my take on whether or not Jesus and the Bible are cool with deceit for righteous purposes. First off, when I’m talking about Jesus, I’m talking about the one in the Bible who methodically made a whip and beat the religious hucksters out of the temple, purposely picked fights with sanctimonious toads and political pukes, and instructed his disciples to be ‘shrewd as serpents and innocent as doves’ (Mt. 10:16).”  Now that’s the kind of take no prisoners Jesus they should make a film about.  I’m getting tired of him always being portrayed as turning the other cheek, but I guess that’s an article for another day.

Written by thatsrightnate

March 8, 2010 at 7:51 pm

Democrats Overreact to Phone Prank Yet Again

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Louisiana Democrat Mary Landrieu has shown a total lack of humor over a recent prank by 4 scamps led by the irrepressible James O’Keefe.  This is the same Democrat party that overreacted when some of President Nixon’s employees tried a similar stunt in the early 1970s so that they could hear the Democrats’ reaction to all the pizza’s they had ordered for Thomas Eagleton.  O’Keefe who specializes in punking Democrats had set up this caper perfectly, by having two friends pose as telephone repairmen who would then cut phone service to Landrieu’s office and then watch the hilarity ensue.

“Mr. O’Keefe has a history of trying to embarrass agencies or political entities on camera,” said J. Garrison Jordan, the  lawyer for Robert Flanagan, the only one of the four men from Louisiana.  “I think it was just an ill-designed stunt with no intent to commit a crime.”

And what a stunt it was.  Can you just imagine their faces when they’re trying to get the phone to work–priceless.   Why stop at phones though.  Think how hysterical it would be to cut the fire alarm and then send smoke billowing through the halls so they’re all like, “there’s all this smoke, but there’s no fire alarm.  What happened?” lol

It’s time for Senator Mary Landrieu to grow up and reallize that boys will be boys.   She needs to admit that she was punked by the master and then get on with doing the people’s business.   What the media hasn’t talked about in this story is Landrieu’s irrational reaction to the phone prank bordering on paranoia.  What is it that Landrieu is hiding exactly?  Why is she so nervous that her phones might be cut?  These are the real questions the American public needs to ask.   What are you hiding Senator Landrieu?

Written by thatsrightnate

January 28, 2010 at 8:21 pm

Vote Fraud Threatens Election

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It may be necessary to call out the National Guard to protect the vote.

With reports of fraudulent voters lists being submitted to ACORN and then to state election commissions it is clear that we are reaching a potential crisis.  Even John McCain, the calm hand on the tiller, has said that ACORN threatens the fabric of our society.

What happenned in the ACORN case is that the community organization hired volunteers to register voters.  That can be a lot of work and some of the volunteers submitted phony names to ACORN.  ACORN is required in most states to submit all names to the state for certification and even though they tried to seperate and highlight the potentially fraudulent ones, the fact remains that literally dozens of Ben Dovers, I.P. Freelys, and Haywood Jablomeys could be voting in 2 weeks if the state didn’t look too carefully.

Unfortunately, it seems that only the Republicans really care about vote fraud.  I have a way to stop this kind of fraud and I have yet to find a Republican against it or a Democrat for it.   I propose that we tax the right to vote.  This will not only stop all vote fraud, but will help to pay off the $700,000,000,000 Wall Street bailout.  If somebody wants to vote multiple times, the act of having to pay the tax multiple times would soon make it cost prohibitive.

At one point in this country all the Southen states had poll taxes, but for some reason they seem to have fallen out of favor.  I think if we want to limit our right to vote to the people who are truly qualified to vote it is time to bring it back.  Otherwise, George Bush may be our last legitimately elected President we will ever have.

Written by thatsrightnate

October 17, 2008 at 5:56 pm