That’s Right Nate

Thoughts from a right thinker.

Posts Tagged ‘Getting Shot

Getting Shot is a Credential

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There has been a lot of fuss lately about John McCain never leading troops in combat.  The arguement put forth by General Wesley Clark was that getting shot down wasn’t a qualification for being President.  I strongly disagree.  Some of this country’s finest Presidents from Abraham Lincoln to Ronald Reagan were shot.  Surely Mister Clark, they may not be Barack Obama, but I hope you will give them some credit for the job they did.

I was no big fan of his, but Martin Luther King was shot too as were Pat Tillman, Stonewall Jackson, and Benny Goodman.  I believe all of them had strong leadership qualities.  Face it, if Barack Obama were shot while running for President the mainstream press would call him the greatest American of our generation.

In the Natural, being shot helped make Roy Hobbs “the best there ever was”.  Maybe it has done the same for John McCain.  Let’s all help him knock one out of the park this November.

Written by thatsrightnate

July 5, 2008 at 10:59 am