That’s Right Nate

Thoughts from a right thinker.

Posts Tagged ‘Economy

Louis Gohmert & Iranian Cleric Call for Modesty

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Last month, Iranian cleric Hojatoleslam Kazem Sedighi was quoted as saying by Iranian media, “”Many women who do not dress modestly … lead young men astray, corrupt their chastity and spread adultery in society, which (consequently) increases earthquakes.”   He was naturally lambasted by conservatives such as myself for making such a crackpot suggestion.

The website Sodahead mocked,  “Ah yes. Those fantastic moral codes. The ones that strive to keep the entire male race safe from evil, corrupting female sexuality. Because there’s nothing that angers God more than a nice pair of boobs.”

All over the internet conservatives mocked Muslims and the idea that women wearing skimpy clothing could possibly cause any kind of global calamity.  It turns out that we may have been a bit hasty.   As Representative Louis Gohmert (R-TX) points out, “It’s an absolute breakdown in morality and when you lose morality you get economic chaos and historically when you get economic chaos people have always been willing to give up liberty and that’s what you’re seeing now.”

Now, this isn’t an earthquake, but it’s pretty damming evidence that the big government takeover of the Obama administration and the current economic downturn are both probably closely connected to the rising of hemlines and the lowering of necklines.   I’m glad the Louis Gohmert has kept an open mind to the dangers of this sort of thing, whether you believe he came to this conclusion independently or borrowed it from Sedighi.

Gohmert also points out in observing the pictures of scantily clad Miss USA contestants, that if a man were to wear one of these outfits, “he’s covered under the Hate Crimes Act.”

Louis, I think I hear those wheels turning again.

Written by thatsrightnate

May 12, 2010 at 9:40 pm

No Longer The Land of the Free

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The conservative think tank the Heritage Foundation yesterday, has downgraded the United States from free to mostly free in its list of the most free countries in the world.   The organization blames the free spending of the Obama administration and American’s increasing roll in health care.  So what countries are freer than the United States?  Here’s the list:

1. Hong Kong – Hong Kong is the freest country on the planet.  In fact it’s so free it isn’t even a country.  What keeps Hong Kong free is its amazing police force, which has come under attack for using violence to suppress non-violent protesters, but after all, a strong police force is the key to freedom.   With the Chinese government safeguarding the people’s basic rights–I expect Hong Kong to remain on this list for a long time.

2. Singapore – What keeps Singapore free?  For one thing, they don’t coddle criminals.  Singapore has the highest rate of capital punishment in the world.   They also don’t put up with left wing reporters.  In 2007, Reporters Without Borders named Singapore the 141st out 167 countries in press freedom.  The Heritage Foundation’s finding is a major step up for Singapore, which is usually ranked as partly free or repressive in world rankings.  Singapore has discovered that nothing promotes freedom like a good caning.

3. Australia -The only western democracy without a bill of rights, Australia never has to worry about violating any rights.

4. New Zealand – New Zealand is most famous for banning satire in 2007.   However, if you remain perfectly serious, New Zealand truly is a paradise for freedom seekers

5. Ireland- The Republic of Ireland has come a long way since British rule.   In the last 25 years contraceptives have been legalized and the Irish have been able to divorce for the past dozen years and for those without an unwanted pregnancy or an incandescent light bulb, freedom here is absolute.

6. Switzerland – Compulsory service helps to keep Switzerland free.  At age 19, 2/3 of Swiss men go into the military, but another 1/3 find a route to alternate service.

7. Canada – This one bothers me.  I find it so sad that Obama’s big government spending has made us less free than Canada.

I hope this will be a wake up call for the United States.  There is no shame in being less free than countries like Singapore and Hong Kong.  However, I fear that if Obama and the Democrats don’t start waking up and doing something about this huge debt they’re running up with two wars and the economic crisis, we may soon find ourselves behind countries like Germany and England.

Written by thatsrightnate

April 8, 2010 at 9:03 pm

Poor People Must Work Harder

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As I was driving through a questionable neighborhood on the South Side of Chicago last night, it occurred to me that my expensive truck was out of place amid the urban squalor.    As I saw old people scurrying down the street in tattered Fall jackets, it occurred to me that I probably spend more on gas in a week then some of these people earn.   It’s very sad to drive down city streets and see the very people who should be building up our economy thrown away on the city streets with no job and no prospects.   Has the system failed them?  I think not.   They have failed the system and for that, they owe those of us who are capitalists a big apology.

If this country is to make it out of the economic morass that the Obama administration has put us in, we need everybody.  When America struggled through the Great Depression, there was a veritable army of plucky youngsters selling apples and newspapers.  When was the last time that you had somebody come up to you and try to sell you an apple?  Has America really lost that kind of spirit and desire to better it’s lot in life?   My dad had it.   He started out from humble upper middle class beginnings and built a multi-million dollar business that he could be proud to leave to me.  I have dreams of my daughter someday marrying a man who I could leave my business to and I continue to steward it for just such an eventuality.

The poor are lazy and ruining our economy just when we need them most.   Maybe, it’s the result of well meaning liberals who have coddled the poor.   Maybe they just weren’t fortunate enough to have a John Peele to teach them the value of a buck.   One thing’s for sure, until they stop lounging around and start taking the initiative, we are doomed to a jobless recovery.  If I was poor right now, I’d probably collect wood and build furniture that I could sell.  I’m sure if people put their mind to it, they could come up with some great ideas too.   Rich and poor we’re all in this together–that’s what America is all about.



Written by thatsrightnate

November 12, 2009 at 10:44 pm

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Congressman Jack Kimble on His Listenning Tour

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dennyskim[I am very sorry for my lack of articles recently.   Part of the reason for the delay is that I have been in discussions with Congressman Jack Kimble (R-CA) about contributing another guest article to my blog.   I feel very fortunate to have an important member of the House of Representatives like Smiling Jack Kimble as a friend of the blog.]

I’d like to extend a very hearty thank you to Nate for giving me this forum.  I can’t deny that the Republican Party has been in a bit of a fix lately.   There is no need for a pity parade for us though, we will be back.   I’m hear not to preach to you so much as to hear from you.   What do you want from the Republican party?   This has become a big focus for me.  Inspired by Jeb Bush, Eric Cantor, and Mitt Romney I have taken it upon myself to launch a listenning tour.  The four of us represent the new face of the Republican Party and we are voracious to hear what this country wants.

I kicked off my Rooty Tooty Republican listening tour at the Gracy Heights Dennys.   Co-Sponsored by the Society for Real American Ideas, I was thrilled to see a very enthusiastic tourout for the kickoff.  The waitress had to put two tables together just to accomodate us and the people at the next table were eavesdropping the whole time. I really love these kind of events because they give me a chance to put on my pair of blue jeans, roll up my sleeves, and talk to Joe and Jane Six-Pack and their grandparents.

Now, all the people I talked to were Republican and they voted for John McCain in the last election, but that doesn’t mean that they didn’t let me have it.  They were mad that during the election we didn’t make a bigger deal over Obama being a secret Muslim or that he was not born in this country.  A kind old grandmotherly woman named Gladys told me that “I think he’s the same guy as Osama bin-laden.  Their names are almost the same.   Has anybody ever seen them together?”  I think we definitely made a mistake not listening to courageous Americans like these.   They also were mad that we didn’t make Rudolph Giuliani release the Michelle Obama whitey tape which he has secreted away.

On the economy, the voters were really concerned that Obama was going to raise their taxes.  I told them that they had reason to worry and let them know that if they don’t see a tax increase this year it is probably because their children didn’t want to upset them and lied about how much they actually owed.  This spurred a very large discussion about wasteful government programs like Medicaid and PBS.   They wanted to know if the taxpayers were funding a television station, why we couldn’t get new episodes of Matlock.  I really couldn’t give them an answer.

Ralph told a harrowing story of having an African-American come to his home to fix his cable.   He was very frightened by the experience, but he got through the experience because he knew that he had a .38 tucked into the cushion of his couch.  He was worried about how he would react in situations like that if he didn’t know protection was just an arm’s reach away.  I promised him, I would not give up my fight to protect second amendment rights.

All in all, it was a great chance for me to connect with you the voters.   I am definitely looking for your ideas for where we can take this party.  The country has been on the wrong path for the past 4 months, but we can take it back on a steady course if we all pull together.  As always, thanks for the forum Nate.

Republicans Offer a Budget We Can Believe In

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On April 1st, Representative Paul Ryan (R-WI) released a new Republican budget and it seems that for the first time in a long time, somebody is actually making economic sense.  Say what you will about George W. Bush and his sometimes inept foreign policy, if there was one thing that guy knew it was the economy.   Compare the economy during his first couple months in office to Obama’s first couple months and you immediately notice a big change.  The secret to Bush’s successful handling of our economy was large tax cuts for the wealthy and as you can see in the chart above, the new Republican plan repeats those successful policies.

Don’t get me wrong, the budget isn’t perfect.   A very small number of upper income earners will pay higher taxes under the Republican plan and it will cost the country $300 billion more than Obama’s budget plan.  Still, I can’t help, but think that tax cuts for the hedge fund managers, venture capitalists, and self storage managers that run this country is exactly the shot in the arm this economy needs.  Instead of raising taxes on the so-called wealthy the Republican plan gets rid of some of the deadwood in the public schools, police departments, and nursing homes across the country.

What is really apalling in the current Obama budget as opposed to the Republican budget is what it will do in 2035.  By 2055, just when the Republicans and our cyborg overlords are cutting government spending, the Democrats are increasing it.  If we don’t stand up to Obama and he does get two terms, this leaves us less than 40 years in order to change things and don’t even get me started on the 2070s.   Don’t be fooled by the closeness in spending in 2010.

I really believe that we have hit upon an excellent strategy for challenging the Obama administration.  By showing what we will be doing in the 2070s and 2080s, we can make a definite contrast between  ourselves and the Obama administration.   Now, granted some of these changes won’t really affect you or your kids or possibly your grandkids, but can our great-grandchildren really afford Obama’s risky budget?

The best part of this strategy is it reminds me of the the campaign strategy of  a certain maverick politician named John McCain who boldly gave us his predictions for four years in the future.

Written by thatsrightnate

April 2, 2009 at 8:25 pm

Bushvilles Bring People Back to Nature

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Say what you will about this Obama Recession, but if there is a silver lining it is that families have started to remember that what’s really important in life are the simple things.  Inspired by the example of George W. Bush who seemed to enjoy nothing more than clearing brush at his ranch despite being the most powerful man in the world, these modern day Daniel Boone’s have taken to the great frontier.

I can’t help, but envy these people and their modern day pioneer spirit that proves you don’t have to be in a rural area to get in touch with America–any city park will do.  In their tents, sometimes whole families get away from the rat race, the plasma televisions, Facebook, and all those other distractions of modern life.  They may not have jobs or even homes, but these people have something even greater and that’s a little lady that we call America.  I hope that those people who put down Bush as a President will remember the inspiration he has been for all these people who have followed his lead back to nature.

Written by thatsrightnate

March 28, 2009 at 9:51 am

Live Blogging of Obama Press Conference

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Once again, I am live blogging an Obama Press Conference. I know that I can’t count on the mainstream media to ask the tough questions so it looks like it is up to me to hold his feet to the fire.

7:02 – The first thing Obama does is to deny his responsibility for HIS economic crisis.  How surprising.

7:06 – The Road is Long….He’s Not Heavy, He’s Obama – I need to record this.

7:08 – Excellent first question.  If the banks won’t tell us how they’re spending their money and not spending it the way we want, should we really try to regulate them?   Awesome question for a chick.

7:10 – Chuck Todd has an excellent point.  All Obama wants to do is raise our taxes and then not ask for any sacrifices from us.   Maybe we could all cut our standard of living or something.

7:14 – So we’re just supposed to take Obama’s word that Americans are making sacrifices?  None of the network news anchors are seeing any sacrifices and neither am I.  Don’t just ask the poor folk.  Reach out to the upper class.

7:15 – Who is Jake Tapper?  I think I had a fake ID that said Jake Tapper when I was in college.  Jake…Jake Tapper by day he’s a private eye, by night he’s a lady’s man.

7:19 – Chip Reid – do you have to have a cool name to be a reporter?

7:19 – Jim Cramer can probably tell you what the economy will be like 10 years from now.  The man is a genius.

7:24 – I find it very hard to believe that the budget deficit is the result of health care and not AIG bonuses and pork projects to study volcanoes.

7:26 – We need to keep Mexico’s problems in Mexico.  Those gangs there are horrible and they ship their drugs to this country.  Not only that, they buy guns at gun shows in this country to wage their wars depriving American gun collectors, the chance to buy those firearms.

7:29 – The Stars and Stripes reporter is a mumbler in an out of date suit, I bet Chip and Jake give him the business.

7:32 – Following up on Chip and Jake.  Ed Henry is such a wannabe.

7:35 – Why wasn’t he publicly outraged before he knew what he was talking about.  Trust your feelings Barrack.

7:38 – The Australian government’s stimulus plan consists of putting another shrimp on the barbie.

7:39 – By the way Major Garrett can join the cool name reporter club.

7:41 – I wouldn’t give money to charity, but if I did I certainly wouldn’t do it if I had to donate at 28% instead of 39%.  Let the middle class write off 28%.

7:44 – Hello?  If these children are homeless how are they supposed to be watching this press conference?

7:46 – Straight outa Compton comes a question about race.  Michael Steele would have a field day with this.

7:51 – Obama has been blinded by science.  Bush never touched the stuff.

7:54 – Obama loves bragging about his parties

7:58 – I love the way that Fox News can put the whole speech in to simple terms.

Well that’s it.  I pretty much agree with the analysists on Fox News’ panel.  He wasn’t fooling anybody.

Palin Rejects Education to Nowhere

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Sarah Palin has again emerged as a Republican hero.  She told the lawmakers in Wasington, “Thanks, but no thanks” on their education to nowhere.   Palin accepted only $530 million of the $914 million appropriated to Alaska as part of the recent economic stimulus plan.  The biggest chunk of the funding that she rejected was $160 million for education.

As Governor Palin  told reporters, “I told congress thanks, but no thanks on that education to nowhere.  It doesn’t take a lot of fancy book learning to drive a snow mobile or shoot a moose.  If the people of Alaska want our kids to learn something, we’ll teach them ourselves.”  Palin did accept the parts of the stimulus for programs to build bridges, roads, and aviation projects which she deemed far more useful.

Of course, we at enthusiastically cheer Sarah Palin as an opponent to wasteful spending on things like text books and vocational training.   You don’t need vocational training in Alaska just go find something to shoot and feed your family with it.   This was a wasteful spending project that would simply confuse Alaskans with a lot of book learning.  People forget that having attended 7 different colleges and universities, this is one governor who knows a lot about education.

Written by thatsrightnate

March 20, 2009 at 8:21 pm

Congress Leads the Charge for Class Warfare

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Much of the AIG bonuses will go towards family expenses like cars for their children to get to school.

Much of the AIG bonuses will go towards family expenses like cars for their children to get to school.

The American dream is in jeopardy.   Imagine what it is like to work long days and longer weeks in the hopes of getting a bonus to help get you by in lean economic times.   Now imagine that congress uses the power to tax in order to take all that money away from you simply because they resent your success.  The power to tax is the power to destroy and the Democrats in congress have no trouble wielding this power.  It is enough to make successful people simply “go Galt” and refuse to work.  Afterall, they won’t see the fruits of their own labor.  Such is the plight for dozens of employees of AIG.

American, a country which used to aspire to the success of its elite, now resents it.   Let me tell you about these bonuses.  Companies like AIG have to pay these large bonuses in order to get the top people to work for them.  Without a million dollar bonus or retention payment or whatever you want to call it, many of these guys would just go into social work or teaching.  Companies pay these bonuses because that is the cost of doing business requires it.  Its just unfortunate that since the taxpayers are paying that cost, we have to pay the bonuses.  These bonuses will help stimulate the economy though.  They represent a potential $165,000,000 in sports cars, caviar, private planes, and luxury yachts.

And how does congress react?  Well according to Senator Charles Schumer (D-NY), “My colleagues and I are sending a letter to [AIG CEO Edward] Liddy informing him that he can go right ahead and tell the employees that are scheduled to get bonuses that they should voluntarily return them,” Sen. Charles Schumer said on the Senate floor. “Because if they don’t, we plan to tax virtually all of [the money] … so it is returned to its rightful owners, the taxpayers.”

His fellow Democrat Bill Nelson of Florida chimed in by calling for a 90% excise tax on the bonuses, but it isn’t just the Democrats who seem to have problems with successful hard working men and women.   Senator Chuck Grassley (R-IA) took an even more extreme position, “But I would suggest the first thing that would make me feel a little bit better toward them if they’d follow the Japanese example and come before the American people and take that deep bow and say, I’m sorry, and then either do one of two things: resign or go commit suicide.”

The AIG executives will get their hard earned bonuses and they will spend them, but I can promise you they won’t enjoy it.  Caviar and champagne just aren’t the same when somebody has killed your appetite.

Written by thatsrightnate

March 17, 2009 at 5:45 pm

First Lady’s Homeless Shelter Visit Screwup

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My first reaction when I see a cellphone is Wow! he must be loaded.

My first reaction when I see a cellphone is "Wow! he must be loaded".

On Thursday March 5th, Michelle Obama visited a Washington D.C. homeless shelter. It was the epitome of all that is wrong with the Democrat Party in this country. I believe Rush Limbaugh said it best, “Because everybody or enough people are going to need the goodwill of Democrats in power in order to get by. Like, you’re going to have to see the first lady behind the counter at McDonald’s when you go in there as your poverty-stricken day drags on — take a picture with your cell phone while you go in there and get your McNuggets or whatever’s being handed out that day.”

What Limbaugh is getting at is that the First Lady’s trip to the shelter is yet another slap in the face to the people in this country who are making over $250,000. Wouldn’t it have been more effective for the First Lady to volunteer her time at an exciting Washington D.C restaurant like Citronelle. Chef Michael Richard and Executive Chef David Deshaies can do amazing things with a black truffle and with a 9 course tasting meal for $175 and a 15 course tasting meal at $225, the restaurant has something for people of all income ranges.

A restaurant like Citronelle will use only the freshest ingredients. As a result, it doesn’t take long before the restaurant will refuse to serve something to its customers. What happens to these leftover lentil coated salmon or squab leg confit? It gets donated to area homeless shelters. This is supply side economics at work. This is the approach Nancy Reagan would have used. This is what a responsible first lady would have done. What Michelle Obama is doing is agitating for class warfare. Why not just let the homeless eat quail egg?

Also notable about Michelle Obama’s homeless shelter trip was the homeless man taking her picture with his cell phone. If he’s homeless you have to wonder how could he afford a cellphone and where would they send the bills? My fellow conservative blogger Jon Swift already examined this issue in depth in his call to make poverty less enticing and I don’t want to duplicate his efforts, but the point remains cellphones cost hundreds of dollars per year to operate and there is no reason for a homeless person to be spending his day downloading apps when he should be looking for a job so he won’t be homeless anymore. I urge the homeless person who took the First Lady’s picture to think about the value of that cellphone. You may be able to sell it for the cost of a cheap motel room or at least start a fire with it to keep warm.